Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Avast ye mateys and give us yer loot!! This year for Halloween we had two pirates.The captain...Beware yer candy'll rot yer teeth! Chase was a good sport in letting me knock a few of his teeth out.Sadi wanted no part of the false teeth, she wanted to be a "pretty" pirate. (Not sure what the fist is about, but it was in every picture)...pretty ain't it?Are ye ready to go trick-or-treating? Argggghhhh!It was a really beautiful night, not even cold. First year ever we haven't needed a coat. Take a look at all the "loot"..... Shiver me timbers, we'll all be having pirate booty!!!!


marknkim said...

What cute lil' Pirates. How did you convince them to be the same thing?? Looks like you guys will be on candy overload like us....yikes!! Happy Halloween:)

Bogenschutz said...

Love, Love the little pirates. Wish I was there again to share in that candy.
I could use a sugar overload myself.