Friday, March 4, 2011

A whozit kind of day!

This week was read across America with Wednesday being Dr. Seuss's birthday. You all knew that right? Well Wednesday morning the kids woke up and found all kinds of strange things in our house. It was as though Dr. Seuss himself had been there. We found left feet, left feet, left feet, right... We found low feet and high feet...
We found signs on the mirror....
We even had green eggs and ham!!!
Kelsey do you like green eggs and ham? Yes. I like them Sam I am.
Chase do you like green eggs and ham? Yes, yes, I like them Sam I am.
Sadi do you like green eggs and ham? I TOLD YOU LAST YEAR SAM I AM I DO NOT LIKE GREEN EGGS AND HAM!!!!
We had a special dessert later, thing 1 and thing 2 cupcakes.
And we ended the night reading all our favorite Dr. Seuss books. Isn't reading fun?


Bogenschutz said...

I like green eggs ham. We had them too Sam I Am. Love the pictures and daaaah, Mom don't you remember Sadi telling you she didn't like them?

John Festin said...

That picture of Sadi and your comment just made my day! I literally laughed outloud! You are an excellent mom, Karen! Thanks for sharing! Hope you guys are well!

heatlight said...

Sadi's face is hilarious! Looks like our house every morning! You have the cutest ideas, Karen! I guess I'll be seeing you a lot more these days at school! We should go walking when it warms up.