Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Finally "gettin" it!!

After months of hard work, I can FINALLY say.....I think (hey you can never be to careful) that Sadi is potty trained!!! Yea, no more diapers!!!! Thank goodness for stickers and chocolate (don't judge, you would bribe too). She finished her sticker charts and has been "tinklin" on her own for a couple of weeks! We took her to buy her "prize" for filling up the chart. She of course was drawn to everything princess and finally decided on this jewelry set of her favorite princess: Ariel, which sings.
Now a few weeks later, the only survivor is one single earring, which she still insists on wearing. Maybe time for real earrings? We'll see......


Laura D said...

how great!!! brooke's favorite is ariel too!
now that has to be a great feeling to have your baby potty trained and no babies on the way! (are there?) hehehehe

The Demille's said...

Congrats! So exciting! Tobin is nowhere near ready for being potty trained...but when he is I will definitely be bribing with stickers and chocolate too! I love her ariel prize and her cute chart!