Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Armed and Ready

So I am officially ready now to start potty training Sadi....I think. She really hasn't shown that much interest so ready or not here we go! I think I have everything I need (ha ha we all know it seems to take more bribery than this but hey, it's a start). New Panties, cool pull-ups, sticker potty chart, potty wipes, and most important chocolate! Only missing the pony right? Wish us luck!


Bogenschutz said...

You Go Girl!! Well both of you Mommy and Sadie. It looks like your pretty much armed with everything you need. But yes, We all know it takes more bribary than what appears in the picture. Good Luck, This year will be the year of no more Diapers huh?

Bogenschutz said...

Honestly, I think puppies are so much easier than children. Less needed supplies (I mean really you can use newspaper) Less Bribary ( Dog Treats are so much less expensive that Chocolate or the Pony he he) They just seem to catch on a bit quicker than the average child. And Yes I have done a few of each!!!

heatlight said...

Ugh. Good luck. When you're done, come over and potty train Max!