Friday, February 13, 2009

Huntin for Love

My kids love their mailboxes I made for Valentines this year. I have had them out on our counter where they can write each other notes and I have snuck a little treat in each day for them. Yesterday I put a note out for all of them that sent them on a treasure hunt. It was a huge hit!! The first note read:
Are you ready for a treasure hunt?
In the end you will find
hiding is your Valentine.
Just find a couple of rhyming clues
The first is inside Kelsey's ________(shoes)
I sent them all over the house with their clues, running all over. Chase shocked me at how well he did with the rhyming. He figured out almost all of them. Their last clue sent them to look in the dryer where I had hid a bag of goodies for each of them. They each got a shirt to wear on Valentines day along with some little goodies and chocolates, which Sadi discovered she could open all by herself.
Chase loved that he got some spider man chocolates.
And okay Kelsey's shirt isn't very Valentiney (not a word I know) but she was in heaven with her new Twilight shirt.


Laura D said...

What an awesome idea! I may have to steal that and make something up tonight.
it doesn't take them long to learn how to open candy does it. Your kids are just too cute! tell kelsey i want that shirt!

staci kling said...

Karen you are so creative. I love your ideas. I guess I could try this next year. Kels - I love the shirt. Twilight rocks.