Monday, November 13, 2017

A Special Veteran's Day

A few weeks ago Sadi brought home an invitation for a Veteran's day celebration they were having at her school.  She had asked Matt's Uncle Rick if he would like to come.  Although he was going to be back in Virginia he made a special trip back to Nevada just for this day.
They started the morning with a breakfast for all the Veterans.
After breakfast was a special assembly where they announced those who attended and with who:  "Sergent Major Rick Denning here with Sadi Denning".  Then their was a singing program with lots of patriotic music.  Sadi's 5th grade sang the National anthem, My country tis' of thee, and God bless the U.S.A.  
I love that her school put this on, and that she was able to invite such a special guest to join her.  She even let Mom and Dad tag along.

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