Sunday, May 15, 2016

Year End Activities

The school year is coming to an end quickly (not quick enough for me).  We have had many things going on at school, mostly I am working there all the time.  A few weeks ago we celebrated Teacher Appreciation.  I had Chase and Sadi write their teacher's a letter and we took them in a little treat.
I got pretty lax this year on gifts, but that is because I have been doing so much for all the staff being the Booster President.  We gave them this cute little treat with a fun saying tied up with it.
Both Chase and Sadi had one last field trip which I chaperoned both.  Chase's class went to the Children's museum in Reno.  It was different for me in the fact that I didn't have Chase in my group to chaperone...weird(and kind of lame if you ask me).  The only time I actually saw him was during the group activity time.  He had a great not so much.
Sadi's class went on a field trip to another museum in Reno.  She was thrilled I agreed to ride the bus with her and her class.
We went to the Wilbur D. May Museum which we have never been to.  She got to pick her own group which was fun, and I got a group of super cute girls.
Matt was able to take part of the day off, and came over to be there as well.  The girls loved him!  He was good to help them with their scavenger hunt around the museum.
We learned all about Wilbur May and the many things he did in his lifetime.  This is just a small part of his life adventures (hunting).  Welcome home.....
After the museum we ate lunch outside.  Look who walked over from college to spend a little time with her little sister.
Sadi said it was her best field trip ever.  It was also fun for her to rub it into Chase that everyone in the family came on her field trip.

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