Saturday, May 28, 2016

Singing, Dancing, and saying Goodbye!

This past week was the last week of school....FINALLY.  I may have been more excited than the kids.  With the last week of school came the whirlwind of final activities.  Both kids had music concerts (on separate nights of course).  Because we had no risers for this concert, it was almost impossible to get any pictures of Sadi singing so I settled for a picture after the performance with her and one of her new besties this year.
I made sure to show up early the next night for Chase's performance.  They sang, played their recorders, and the band played a few numbers as well. 
Chase with one of his best friends Conner, who we will miss next year because he will be attending another school.
We also had the talent show, but because I was working (making popcorn for the whole school) I missed out on any pictures :(  Sadi danced with her friends, and Chase played his trumpet.  The next day was fun in the sun day which I missed out on (due to have a horrendous cold/cough), but wasn't too sad about when it rained all day.  Then their was the school dance...
3rd-6th grade had a neon dance.  Again I worked the whole time so the only picture I got was the one from my concessions booth (they're in there somewhere).  We did a quick selfie while picking up some Slurpee's after the dance.
The last day of school was a half day with an award assembly in the morning.  Chase made A honor roll and was also recognized and awarded some pins for his work in leadership, and being on kids court. 
Sadi made A honor roll ALL year and was awarded a golden hawk and lanyard.  Her picture will go on the school wall with a plaque with all those that made straight A's all year.
After the assembly was yearbook signing.  I wore my shoe's I made at the beginning of the year.  The kids loved signing these.
We made a final stop in both kids classes that day for our last day of school picture.  Saying goodbye to Mrs. Mihali in 5th grade,
and Mrs. Ranft in 3rd Grade.
We dropped them off a little treat we had made for them.
And then we went skipping out of there!!  We were off to celebrate with some pizza at our local pizza joint.  I am sooo happy it is finally summer!

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Mother's Day

I had a wonderful Mother's Day.  I was served my traditional breakfast in bed, which I look forward to every year.  I don't usually eat breakfast, so this kept me full all day.  Chase told me he hope I loved my "sypathy" bar. 
I was showered with the things I love most, flowers and those handmade gifts.  There were many toilet paper roll items made for me besides the one penguin here.  I wondered why we were going through toilet paper so fast.
It was a rather cold day and looked as though it could rain.  We contemplated going to a movie in Reno, but I opted to go to Virginia city and walk around.  It was a bit windy, but I enjoyed it.
Kelsey was at school studying for her finals so she didn't make it home for the weekend.  She called me, and sent me these beautiful chocolate covered strawberries.
Matt barbecued a delicious dinner, and we just relaxed the rest of the evening.  It was a wonderful day, and like all mother's everything was waiting for me to clean the very next day :)

Year End Activities

The school year is coming to an end quickly (not quick enough for me).  We have had many things going on at school, mostly I am working there all the time.  A few weeks ago we celebrated Teacher Appreciation.  I had Chase and Sadi write their teacher's a letter and we took them in a little treat.
I got pretty lax this year on gifts, but that is because I have been doing so much for all the staff being the Booster President.  We gave them this cute little treat with a fun saying tied up with it.
Both Chase and Sadi had one last field trip which I chaperoned both.  Chase's class went to the Children's museum in Reno.  It was different for me in the fact that I didn't have Chase in my group to chaperone...weird(and kind of lame if you ask me).  The only time I actually saw him was during the group activity time.  He had a great not so much.
Sadi's class went on a field trip to another museum in Reno.  She was thrilled I agreed to ride the bus with her and her class.
We went to the Wilbur D. May Museum which we have never been to.  She got to pick her own group which was fun, and I got a group of super cute girls.
Matt was able to take part of the day off, and came over to be there as well.  The girls loved him!  He was good to help them with their scavenger hunt around the museum.
We learned all about Wilbur May and the many things he did in his lifetime.  This is just a small part of his life adventures (hunting).  Welcome home.....
After the museum we ate lunch outside.  Look who walked over from college to spend a little time with her little sister.
Sadi said it was her best field trip ever.  It was also fun for her to rub it into Chase that everyone in the family came on her field trip.

Scout Camp

The last weekend in April Chase and Matt went on their first scout camp out together.   This was one excited scout!
The weather had been so great all week, but the evening of the camp it rained....all night.  They were suppose to "be prepared" for anything, but I don't think they were.  Matt said it was miserably cold, and they were wet all night.  The next morning they huddled around the fire and tried to dry out.
With plenty of hot chocolate to help :)
They did get in a hike before they had to head home. 
Since it was just Sadi and I for the weekend, we headed out before the boys to get a jump start on some girl time.  We had a big bucket of popcorn for dinner while we watched the Jungle book.
We were surprised to come out of the movie to the cold and rain.  So we decided to go home and warm up by the fire.  I text this photo to Matt and Chase before we snuggled into our cozy dry beds.
Scout camp vs. Girls camp = no contest.