Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Kicking off October

The first weekend in October we FINALLY had a break from Cheer so we decided to head up to the Salmon run in Tahoe.  We were in search for some fish and fall colors.  It was the big kickoff weekend for the Salmon run which we usually don't go to since there are so many people, but this was to be our only weekend cheer free so we decided to brave the crowds (which ended up not being bad at all).  We first checked in with Smokey the be bear aware.
We also played a few fish games and took our picture with Sammy the Salmon.
Then we were off to the river to see the fish...which there were none.  I mean NOT A SINGLE FISH to be seen!  How could this be the biggest weekend?  We have gone in the past just a week or two later in the month and missed the spawning altogether and been witness to a river full of dead fish.
We decided to hike up the river and look for some fall colors...none as well.  The leaves all seemed to have just dropped and not even changed.  We did find a cool Beaver dam.  We looked for the Beaver, but he never made an appearance.
We stopped into the underground viewing area where they had at least planted some Salmon for people to see.  Not the same effect, I'm gonna say.
I just could not believe there was not a single fish.  The rangers said it was because we hadn't had a good rain.  Hmmmm....interesting since it had just rained.  We weren't ready to give up (or at least I wasn't).  We then hiked all the way down the river to the lake where it feeds into  (where the Salmon begin their journey).  Surely we could see at least one fish?...Nope.
We made the best of the day and ate our lunch on the beach, and the kids found this upturned tree with its roots exposed and spent a lot of time climbing and playing on it.
Not the best day for fish or fall foilage, but a great day together with family.

1 comment:

marknkim said...

Major bummer about the Salmon! You guys seem to have made the best of it:)