Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Double Digits

Yesterday Chase turned 10!  He was up wayyyy before the sun in anticipation of the day.  Funny how a few streamers in the doorway could make a kid so happy.  He and Sadi had fun running in and out of that room all morning.
Breakfast in bed was served.  His request this year was banana chocolate chip pancakes.  Not sure where this idea came from since he has never had them before.  He SAID they were really good, but he decided next year to put a hold on the banana part :)
Because it was a school day, it made the morning feel rushed.  There were a few warnings about the evening to come, some even written on the mirror (The Chamber of secrets has been opened).
We headed off to school with a class treat to share.
We combined a few of Chase's favorites to make this 10th birthday treat (twix and mini glazed donut).  "Donut you think 10 is terrific?"
After school this kid could not get home fast enough to open presents, although I made him wait for Matt to get home before tearing into them.
He enjoyed reading all his cards sent from family in the mail.
He especially loved this card sent from Kelsey showing her artistic abilities in drawing "the coolest" Minecraft character.
His Birthday wish list was constantly changing because he wasn't really sure what he wanted.  So, shopping for him this year was a bit challenging.  I think we did okay.  He got some new Star Wars action figures, Minecraft Lego's, and some new books including a new Goosebumps book sure to give him nightmares.
After he opened his presents it was time to get dinner started.  The theme this year for his birthday was Harry Potter so we had to have a Potter themed dinner.  Chase was VERY impressed with all of my Harry Potter knowledge(thank you Google).  Everyone got to order what they wanted from the menu which included:  
Malfoy(burger with Swiss)
 Weasley (burger with cheddar)
Herwieney (Hot Link)
Quidditch Rings(Onion Rings)
Wizard Wands(Fruit Kabob)
Dinner was served in the Great Hall, which even included the floating candles(again all the details gathered from Harry Potter).
Each place setting also had a golden snitch.  This "Malfoy" burger was a hit!
Of course we had to have Hogsmead's finest Butterbeer (I just re-labeled some bottled creme soda).  Chase really thought it was butter beer and said it tasted just like they described it in the book.
Of course there was some wicked spells happening during dinner.  Pretty sure he was trying to make Sadi disappear.
After dinner I had to take Sadi to cheer practice so, I guess in a way the spell worked.  We left Chase and Dad home who got right to work building a Lego Minecraft world.
Once we were all home again it was time for cake...or not.  This year Chase wanted to have Banana splits.  Not sure where all the banana ideas came from this year, maybe his inner monkey?
It was tricky trying to get some candles on ice cream, but we managed. 
Once the candles were out, it was time to load it up with toppings.
It was a birthday ending, with a cherry on top! 

1 comment:

marknkim said...

Looks like a fun day for Chase. Happy 10th Birthday!