Friday, July 10, 2015

Sunshine or Bust

We had planned to get a family picture at the lake but,  we had to change the time/location several times with our photographer due to the rain.  Our last try was going to be in Virginia City on the last day but what do you know we woke up to rain!  Matt's family was staying up in Virginia City for the night and so we headed up to spend the day with them.  We all had matching shirts which made finding each other easy.  We grabbed a tourist and had them take a photo for us inside the Silver Queen hotel where they were all staying.
You wouldn't know a few hours later that it had been a downpour and we were able to walk around town.  Matt's parents with their kids minus the oldest (Steve) and the youngest (Todd) who were unable to make the trip:
 Our contribution to the Denning line (minus Kyle who had to work):
I'm really lucky to have married into such a great family.  Here's to hoping we are as happy at our 50th as they are.

1 comment:

marknkim said...

How fun that you all got together to celebrate their 50th. A weekend in that cabin looks like my kind of getaway!!