Thursday, October 23, 2014

Fall Hiking

This past weekend we headed up to Tahoe for a day to enjoy the fall foliage and a look at the Salmon run.  Apparently we missed the height for both of these.  There was a tiny bit of color, but most of it had already fallen and the trees were bare.
There were still quite a few salmon in the river...dead ones.  Not really that fun to look at.  Some were just fish heads from what was left I assume from the bears buffet.  We heard going down to the river (as we do every year) "there's a bear down there".  Every year we miss the bear by a few minutes it seems.  There were some fish to be seen in the underground viewing area but they weren't salmon, just some rainbows.
It was still a beautiful day to be out enjoying the scenery around the lake.  I never get tired of this view.

1 comment:

marknkim said...

Looks gorgeous...we need to visit there!