Sunday, July 28, 2013

Genoa and Gadzooks!

This past week Matt's Grandma called to invite Chase and Sadi to her art studio for a night of fun.  They were invited to wear their pj's, bring a stuffed friend, and be ready to hear a story.  Since Matt had the day off, we decided to make a day of it and do some exploring.   We decided to go to Genoa for the day.  I have only been there once, and I remembered it was small, I neglected to remember how small.  We walked the entire town s-l-o-w-l-y in less than an hour.  We walked through the Mormon Station state park and the old trading post.
We paid to go into the museum (small cabin) which houses pioneer-era artifacts.  There is still debate amoungst people everywhere about which is the real "first" settlement of Nevada.  Dayton has a stone plaque stating it as the first settlement, as does Genoa.  We all know it is Dayton...but when the woman who was working in the museum asked us where we were from, and we told her we were from Dayton the first settlement in Nevada she DID NOT find the humor of this as we did.  She rambled on and on about how they ARE the first settlement.  I thought it was quite humorous.  Of course when we were outside out of earshot we let our kids decide which Genoa is......that's right number 2.
Grandpa and Gradma had invited us to go to dinner before story time so we headed over to their house a bit later.  Grandma had to go to the art studio to set up, so we picked up Grandpa and he took us to a new place for dinner, the Wild Horse Saloon.  Chase loved telling people Grandpa took him to a bar...and of course Sadi added that he bought them beer! (root)
After dinner we headed to Grandma's new Art Studio in downtown Gardnerville.  With their jammies on and stuffies in tow they were ready for storytime.
They had a couple of people playing guitar and they had an interactive singing time which took them around the world with music and instruments.  They also told a story, and then had popcorn and juice.  It was a really fun night and glad we were able to spend some time with Grandma at her other home.

1 comment:

marknkim said...

Looks like a neat little studio...what a fun idea.