Monday, June 17, 2013

Season is FINALLY...FINALLY...over!

For most people here Baseball ended on June 1st.  We thought it would be ending for us too...not when you make it to the playoffs.  We had to cancel vacation...twice.  Our season FINALLY ended on June 14th.  Chase had an awesome season of baseball!  He has become really good...I'm not just bragging because I'm his Mom (alright maybe a little).  When you spend every single night at the ballpark, you tend to not take as many pictures....I have no idea why.  I do have alot of film though.  Here are some highlights of his season:  We saw a lot of fielding...
Chase spent a majority of the games in the infield playing first base, pitcher, and shortstop.  He did see some outfield time...
He made more outs than I could count, and when it was time to hit, he usually got it on the first ball.  Batter up....
We did see a few of these....
 Strike!  He ran a lot of bases.....
Slid home sooo many times!  Ah the laundry...I don't miss the laundry.
The most exciting game had to be the game that determined the championship game.  It was INTENSE!  Bottom of the 6th (last inning).  Tied up game.  Chase is up with bases loaded.  2 balls.   2 one is breathing.  It all rests on his last pitch....he hits!  Brings in the runner, and we are in it! 
 One happy kid.....
After playing 2 weeks in a row, winning 5 nights in a row it came down to 2 teams.  We lost one, they lost final game.  It was also a clencher...the Giants barely won, we came in second.  Such a fun season to watch!  Those boys cried like it was the major league...Chase said it hurt to get so close to winning :(   Although it has ended we had some great moments at the field.  We reacquainted with some old friends...
 Chase and Wyatt...the duo.
We also made some great new friends.....
Chase and Cohen
These two had their own dance they made up for the victory games they performed for everyone after each win.  They're looking forward to next season already!

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