Saturday, April 27, 2013

Kindergarten Fieldtrip

Last Thursday Sadi's Kindergarten class took a walking field trip to the Carson River.  It's convenient that the river runs just behind the school and there is a trail that runs along it that has a beach/picnic  area not too far from the school (although quite a walk for little legs).  I was asked to go along as a parent helper, who could say no to this cute little bunch? 
Sadi's class with teacher Mrs. Bergstrom
Before we headed out the kids made bird feeders to hang in the trees along the walk, and at the river.  Being Earth day a few days before they have been learning about recycling and what bio-degradable means, so they made bird feeders with toilet paper rolls, peanut butter and bird seed.  Mrs. Bergstrom also had them do a nature scavenger hunt, collecting soil samples, different kinds of rocks, etc.  Have I mentioned what a FUN teacher she is?  We LOVE her!  This is Sadi's bird feeder hanging up in a huge tree by the river, those are going to be some happy birdies!
Once we got to the river where we were to have our picnic we were swarmed by gnats...not just a few, a million!  We quick ate our lunch, gathered our shells and last remaining items for the scavenger hunt and rushed back...gnats following the whole way!  Yuck!
Even though this was to be an all day adventure which was cut short by nature, the kids still had lots of fun, and I was glad I was able to be there and spend the day with Sadi.

1 comment:

marknkim said...

Darn gnats...they can ruin a perfectly good afternoon. It sounds like Sadi has had a good year in Kindergarten....a good teacher always helps!!