Saturday, September 29, 2012


Yesterday our boy turned!  Holy cow.  As I was trying to remember how we celebrated last year, my mind went blank...Matt couldn't remember either.  What was the theme?  What did we get him?  What did we do?  Neither of us could remember.  I had to look at my blog and gasped when I learned how lame it was!  No theme.  No big party.  He had school all day.  It was I am embarrassed to say...BORING.  I vowed this year would not be lame!  It is going to be a birthday weekend!  This is how his morning began...
How's that for an in your face Happy morning?  Balloons hitting you in the face as you open the door.  I missed the initial fall down but did manage to capture his face as he stood there in the doorway half awake trying to process what had just happened as I yelled Happy Birthday through the plastic.  His reply "Well that was weird."  I'm calling that a success.  He had a special birthday breakfast of french toast and bacon (his favorite).  I did let him open his cards and one gift before it was time to get ready for school(boo).  I had to make him wait for later so it would still build the excitement.
When it was time for off to school I loaded him up with the cutest treats to share with his class.  The note reads:  LOOK WHOOOOO'S HAVING A BIRTHDAY!   Gotta say I scored points with the teacher for not doing the typical cupcakes. 
I took the idea from pinterest but did my own spin on them.  Chase's favorite candy is Reese's so I added those.  I loved how they turned out.
I worked at the school all morning but did manage to slip in one very unexpected surprise for him at lunch.  Daddy came and brought him lunch and ate with him.  It was funny as we watched him come in he was searching for his lunch box, gave up and was going to get in the lunch line when we surprised him.  After school we came home and he had to hunt all over the house for his presents.
He was excited he got the new battle arena for his imaginext, a new Lego set, and a new razor scooter (now he can finally scoot around with all the kids who keep asking him to ride).
We played a bit then it was off for his birthday dinner.  Daddy had to work and Kelsey had to work at the FB game so it was just me and the little ones.  His choice...In-N-Out for "the best burgers".  He couldn't be stopped for a picture he engulfed that burger.
I took them both to see the new movie Hotel Transylvania.  Super cute movie!  They both loved it, as did I.
After the movie we headed to the high school to pick up Kelsey from the game.  I thought since it was so late maybe we could skip the cake until the next way.  His choice this year chocolate cake with blue..yes blue icing.
So although it was almost 11 0'clock at night we sang...and ate cake.  Pretty sure he was wishing for something wild here....
It was a fun day..up next THE party.  It's gonna be a fun weekend!

1 comment:

marknkim said...

Seven already.. .doesn't time fly? Looks like you guys went all out. Happy {late} Birthday Chase!!!