Friday, September 21, 2012

Back to School night

This week was back to school night for the kids.  We had to shuffle schedules, but we all made it!  The kids were excited to show us their rooms and tell us all about them.  I made sure to get pictures with their teacher's which I usually do the first day of school, but this year I forgot.  Chase is having the best time in Mrs. Shepard's class.  She told us Chase is breaking her bank.  Every week they earn "Shepard Bucks" for different things and apparently Chase rakes in the money and spends it just like with real money.  He does love Friday's when he can shop in the Shepard store.
Sadi's teacher had made a scavenger hunt for the kids to do with their parents.  It was so cute and creative.  She had to take us and show us all kinds of different things like the playground, her desk and cubby, recite the class rules to us, and sing us the new days of the week song they learned.  They each received a candy pencil she had made to take home.  Her teacher told us Sadi is so good and so quiet she is the only one who has earned 3 pink tickets that she gets to use for a prize.  We love Mrs. Bergstrom!!
It was fun watching Sadi flutter around and talk to her friends.  This is one of her new "besties" Mallory.  It's funny just a few months back when these two were in c.o.w. bus together Sadi along with all the other girls...we'll say really disliked her.  I'm so glad to see her branching out and making new friends.
So fun to see what the kids are doing in school and to see them so excited.  It's gonna be a great school year!

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