Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Have you laughed today?

One of my new years resolutions was to have a date night with Matt every month...well, I decided to make it even more fun by coming up with my own special date every month (this may not last through the whole year but I am going to give it a shot, plus I found this idea on another blog so that made it easy). So I planned a super fun date night at home last night. First off I stuck this big ticket I had made into his wallet the night before so he would find it some time during the day.Hard to read the ticket stub, but it reads "Karen's crack-up comedy club". With a show time on it (can't be late to those clubs it's rude!). With the ticket came a free drink (diet coke) at the door. I had set out some munchies just like a real club would do. I chose pistachios and added a small sign that said: GET READY TO LAUGH YOUR BUTT OFF!!! I thought the choice went will with my "crack-up" club. Get it?I thought about putting up some white Christmas lights to set the mood (again like in a club), but I just put those things up so that didn't happen. But it was fine without. We dimmed the lights and it was time for ACT 1: Mad libs...that's right! We had fun laughing at some of the unusual stories we created. Next it was on to ACT 2: We listened to some videos on my laptop I had picked by comedian Brian Regan. If you haven't heard him you have to listen, he is hilarious!! And finally ACT 3: Laffy Taffy!! We took turns reading our jokes on the wrappers. I remember these jokes being funnier...I guess it's been awhile since I had a laffy taffy. Here were some of our favorites:

Q: Where did the dentist go on his vacation?
A: To the mouth of the Mississippi

Q: How do you double your money?
A: Fold it.

And the winner of the lamest joke....

Q: What is yellow and wears a mask?
A: The lone lemon.

Really? Oh well, we laughed anyway. I thought it was a fun date, and the best part was we didn't even need to leave the house!


Bogenschutz said...

Wow, Sounds like a fun evening. What a great idea. I made the same resolution for Luckie and I this year. Keep sending the ideas I will just copy huh?
Im amazed no kids pounding on the door???

heatlight said...

What a cute idea! You got anymore?? All we end up doing is renting a movie from redbox and eating ice cream.