Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Have you laughed today?

One of my new years resolutions was to have a date night with Matt every month...well, I decided to make it even more fun by coming up with my own special date every month (this may not last through the whole year but I am going to give it a shot, plus I found this idea on another blog so that made it easy). So I planned a super fun date night at home last night. First off I stuck this big ticket I had made into his wallet the night before so he would find it some time during the day.Hard to read the ticket stub, but it reads "Karen's crack-up comedy club". With a show time on it (can't be late to those clubs it's rude!). With the ticket came a free drink (diet coke) at the door. I had set out some munchies just like a real club would do. I chose pistachios and added a small sign that said: GET READY TO LAUGH YOUR BUTT OFF!!! I thought the choice went will with my "crack-up" club. Get it?I thought about putting up some white Christmas lights to set the mood (again like in a club), but I just put those things up so that didn't happen. But it was fine without. We dimmed the lights and it was time for ACT 1: Mad libs...that's right! We had fun laughing at some of the unusual stories we created. Next it was on to ACT 2: We listened to some videos on my laptop I had picked by comedian Brian Regan. If you haven't heard him you have to listen, he is hilarious!! And finally ACT 3: Laffy Taffy!! We took turns reading our jokes on the wrappers. I remember these jokes being funnier...I guess it's been awhile since I had a laffy taffy. Here were some of our favorites:

Q: Where did the dentist go on his vacation?
A: To the mouth of the Mississippi

Q: How do you double your money?
A: Fold it.

And the winner of the lamest joke....

Q: What is yellow and wears a mask?
A: The lone lemon.

Really? Oh well, we laughed anyway. I thought it was a fun date, and the best part was we didn't even need to leave the house!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

I'll have to verify that....

"Did you know that "y" sometimes likes to say "i"? This is how our Thursday night dinner conversation started with Chase, as we were asking the kids about school and what they learned. (They have been learning about the letter Y). Then he said "Oh and theirs some kid Mrs. Benson told us about, he's not in my class but his birthday is on the 17th". Matt followed up with "Do you mean Martin Luther King Jr.?" Chase-"Yeah that's the guy!" Of course we were laughing...."Oh he's not in your class huh?". So then Matt said "Do you know who he is?". Chase-"No". So then Matt proceeded to explain to a 5 year old that he was a civil rights leader and was asking Chase if he knew what an African American was, explaining that it was a person with black skin. "Whoa, Whoa, Whoa!!!....Mrs. Benson did not tell us that!, I'm not sure that's right Dad I will have to check with Mrs. Benson." There was no convincing him that we knew what we were talking about. Ahhh kids! When did we become an unreliable source that our 5 year old needs to check with his Kindergarten teacher?

Sunday, January 2, 2011


Since I couldn't find my list from last year, I decided I would write down my goals for this year somewhere I cannot lose it. So here goes.....
Rather than look at the glass as half full....or half empty, I have vowed to just drink it!! Drinking more water is on every one's list anyway right? I need to make this my new favorite drink, what's not to love about something clear, tasteless, and no calories. Mmmmm, who isn't craving that? Yeah not me... on a serious note here are my real goals:
  • Have a date night once a month with my hubby (sounds easy enough, however I think this is the one thing I failed at last year)
  • Spend a day alone with each of my kids doing something special
  • Sew something (not sure how I will do this since I don't own a sewing machine)
  • Download my pictures to disc at least twice (guess what I did all weekend? I cannot believe I went and ENTIRE year without backing up my photos...ahhhhh!)
  • Unclutter my junk drawer (Sounds easy right? Bet you have a junk drawer too!...don't lie)
There we have it, the list!! Keeping my fingers crossed I can do it!!

Saturday, January 1, 2011


I started out the day searching for my list of resolutions from last year....I'm pretty sure I was going to get to mark off a few of those things. I guess I can never be sure, since I could not find it!! I must say New Years is not my favorite holiday. The whole waiting up till midnight to yell HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Then begging the kids to go to bed, not on my list of favorite holidays. However, I was determined to make it fun for the kids. We watched some movies, ate lots of treats, and waited, and waited, and waited. Why does Midnight come so quickly when it's not New Years Eve? At about 10:30 I was seriously thinking Sadi was not going to make it, but she assured me she did not want to go to bed. Matt barely made it home from work (with 6 minutes until the strike of Midnight). It was fun to have the whole family together. We blew our party horns...
We clinked our champagne glasses filled with sparkling cider...
We kissed...
And we passed out....
Chase literally fell flat on his face at about 2 a.m. FINALLY. He was seriously dancing around on a sugar high one minute and the next thing I knew he was face down on the ground! Sadi beat him to it at about 1 a.m. They had a lot of fun staying up late, and I definitely paid the price for it today!! Can we say sleep deprived kids up to early??? HAPPY NEW YEAR!!