Thursday, September 9, 2010

Fun Family Weekend

This is a late post, but it seems like life has been really busy this week! We had a great Labor day weekend, Matt worked most of the weekend but had Monday off which was nice. We relaxed outside, had ribs and played in the bounce house. The funnest part of the weekend was spending time with family. Matt's sister Karreen and family were in town so we were able to spend a little time with them which was so much fun. Here are the girls with cousin Meghan at the trailer. And the two inseparable boys, Cameron and Chase at the bowling center. They had a great time hanging out all day together. Chase is still telling me stories about how cool Cameron is!
I was excited to finally be able to give Karreen (mommy to be) this baby present I have had for months at my house. I was going to make her a diaper cake, because hey you can never have to many diapers right? But instead I made this:
A diaper motorcycle!! How perfect is this for a baby boy? I love that you can use everything on it for baby. We are so excited to see our new nephew!! Karreen we already know you are a great mommy, and we are excited to have another baby to love on!
Isn't she the cutest Mommy-to-be?

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