Sunday, April 5, 2009

Egg-stra Egg-stra!!

We decided to decorate eggs a little early this year so that we can enjoy them all week...uggh. They're fun to dye and eat once and then I'm sick of them. You know the more kids you have though the more eggs you have to make. One dozen just doesn't do it anymore. The kids had a lot of fun this year. Here are the ones that made it to picture time.....I bought the ones with the little face stickers and I knew they would be a hit. Cute little Sadi made one to look just like herself...check out that face!
Chase's half done....
You can tell your kids are getting older when their eggs have boys names on them. At least it's fictional. I think we ended up with eggs of the entire Twilight cast.
The best part for Sadi...eating hers (of course only the white part) weird she won't even try the yolk since she loves yellow. Chase is the same way.
Anyone need eggs let me know we have plenty!!


Bogenschutz said...

Wow, It looks like it was so much fun. Hey, so where is Matt's egg? I know he's the biggest kid of them all and would have a most adorable matching face on his. ha ha

Bogenschutz said...

Hey, If you come to Salt Lake you can all color some for us too. And Kelsey I would love to have an Edward Cullin egg for my self. To cool I loved them all. Thanks for sharing pics all the time.

Laura D said...

How fun- i haven't seen those egg stickers ones- so neat! ps. love the easter vibe on your blog!