Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Christmas Countdown

It seems like there are so many things happening the weeks before Christmas/break it is hard to remember it all with the hustle and bustle. I went as a chaperone with Sadi's 5th grade class to the Discovery museum in Reno, where I was in charge of a group of these 5 sweet girls.
Both the kids had friends over for the night.  I bought Gingerbread houses for them to decorate together. 
The girls got pretty silly while building theirs.
The boys threw out the directions first thing....then had building difficulties.
They got sidetracked when the Star Wars movie came on t.v. and I think it took them 2.5 hours to finally get that house built.
In the end, they both turned out pretty nice.
Later that week Chase and Sadi decorated their own Gingerbread men.

We made gifts for their friends at school.  For Chase's friends we made a gift every teen  I bought chips and nacho cheese and we tied it up with a gift tag:  "This is Nacho ordinary gift, because I'm Nacho ordinary friend".
Sadi chose to make a gift that we have made in the past for her friends,  Snowman made with chocolate bars and some fuzzy socks.  For the teacher's this year I kept it very simple with a cute tag tied to a Starbucks gift card.
Sadi was extremely excited to get to school for her class party and to hand out her gifts to her friends.
I joined her class later in the afternoon for their party.  Besides having a massive amount of goodies to eat, her whole class participate in a secret Santa gift exchange. 
The previous week each student was given a name with a questioner filled out with things their secret person liked/disliked, needed, etc.  Her secret Santa bought her some chocolate and this big stuffed moose.
The day after school break began we surprised the kids with tickets to go see the movie JUMANJI.  It was part of their gift from Grandma and Grandpa Denning.  It was special since we hardly ever go to the movies as a family, and it was such a funny movie! 

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