Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Moving Weekend

Labor Day weekend was real labor at our house.  Saturday Sadi and I boxed up the last few things we wouldn't be needing until after we were moved.
The boys worked on cleaning up the yard, and doing some trash runs to the dump along with taking a few odd items to the new house.
Apparently I forgot anyone needed to eat during the day so it was a gas station dinner on the floor for the kids.   Not sure Matt and I actually ate that day?
I had this great idea to bake the last of the cookies from our freezer the last night we were in our house.  I thought I had left out everything I needed to  complete the job.  Pans = yes, hot pads =yes, spatula = PACKED IN A BOX.  Luckily I was able to round up a plastic knife to get them off.
We picked up this beast of a U-haul after major delay because they lost our reservation!  We got up early on Sunday morning and started loading.
We moved all day just the 4 of us, furniture and all!  It was exhausting! 
Sadi LOVED riding in the U-haul truck, and wanted to keep it.
We ran into a few glitches that put us back (water would not turn off to the washer) but it was amazing that we did it all and were moved by 9 p.m.  We were too tired to even think about unpacking anything like dishes so we made a quick trip to Jack in the box for some dinner.  Really wish they had got our order right the first time because they messed up and forgot Sadi's food.  So exhausted I drove back to pick it up.  In the end all happy faces.
We put our bed together and let the kids sleep on their mattresses on the floor.  First night in our new home in the books!

1 comment:

marknkim said...

Moving is not fun ... even worse when you do it all by yourself. Good luck in the new place!