Saturday, July 22, 2017

While the kids are away...

I wasn't quite sure what I was going to do while the kids were gone on vacation.  I tried to think of all those things you tell yourself you would love to do without kids.  Sadly Matt was working so many hours I hardly saw him.  I spent the entire first day cleaning my whole house...and it stayed clean the whole time they were gone!  I spent many nights eating dinner alone..
Once is OK, then it's a little sad looking at all those empty chairs. I got up early and headed to the lake with a good book.  Spent all day reading and relaxing.
I went on a hike with Kelsey to a hidden gem just above the city.
Kings Canyon waterfall.  A very short but rewarding hike I have been wanting to try.  With no whining kids it was quite enjoyable.
Kelsey and I also went to a movie that wasn't animated!
I went shopping and Matt was able to meet me for lunch one afternoon.
I got my hair done, and treated myself to a pedicure.
I got tired of all those dinners alone so I met up with some friends for a late night dinner in the city. 
It wasn't all fun times.  I spent hours, and hours meeting with lenders an looking at house after house after house and stressing about a possible future move.
It was a nice vacation from having kids and I found it easier than I thought to fill up all those days.  Although I enjoyed the silence and freedom, I think had they been gone much longer I would quickly find out how boring my life is without them.

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