Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Trimming the Tree

While out shopping over Thanksgiving weekend we picked up our Christmas tree.  Normally we have a live tree, but this year we broke down and bought an artificial one.  Along with a tree the kids got to pick out a new ornament to add to their collection, a holiday tradition we started when they were babies.  This year Chase chose a storm trooper:
Sadi found the "sweetest" ornament there was...a donut.  Perfect for this little sweet tooth.
We cranked up the Christmas music and started decorating.  I love seeing all those special handmade ornaments come out of the box each year, and with my kids getting older they are the ornaments that I cherish the most.
We popped some cookies in the oven, got down the Christmas blankets and wrapped up to watch one of our favorite Christmas movie's Elf.
Sadi is not too happy about the artificial tree and has told people "we have a stupid plastic tree". Sorry to all those she has offended :/  Although I do miss the smell of a real tree in the house I do NOT miss having to water that thing 800 times a month.

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