Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Yee Haw...Hand over the candy!

This year for Halloween Sadi chose to be a cowgirl.
Chase was a guy from Halo (Reach Kat I think).  I'm not really sure who he is, but I was assured it was very cool. 
Sadly Halloween fell on a Monday this!  That meant we had to holster our weapons, and saddle our horses for school.
I went to the kids Halloween parade at school, although Sadi was easy to pick out in the crowd, Chase with was harder to spot and so I missed getting any pictures of him :/
They were both having class parties and so we whipped up a very simple treat to share.  It was a pretty big hit with everyone.
After they had both eaten way too many goodies at school it was back home to try to get them to eat a healthy dinner.  Then we had to wait it out until the sun went down before we could hit the streets to trick-or-treat! I felt a bit of redemption about not knowing who Chase's character was when he was called everything from G.I. Joe to a turtle.  Poor kid couldn't find anyone who new who he was.
It was a bit chilly this year walking around.  We did just a small loop in our neighborhood and the kids brought back a HUGE haul of sweets.
My all time favorite moment this year (well minus the mistake I made of sending them to the same house twice...oops) was the little man at the end of the street who gave them each a dime and a butterscotch.  I don't know why I thought it was so funny, but I could not stop laughing.  I think it reminded me of those pennies we used to get as kids. 
It was a sweet night filled with sorting and very serious trade negotiations.

1 comment:

marknkim said...

Cute Cowgirl. I would have no idea who Chase was, but then again I don't keep up with video game characters:) Are those Spider Eggs powdered donut holes?