Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Girl Time

While Chase was at basketball camp, I tried to get caught up on things at home.  I did carve out time to spend with just Sadi.  We spent a day at the pool with a group of all girls.  I took her out to lunch,
and got that yearly Dr. appointment out of the way so we are ready for cheer.  Sadi was pretty happy to hear if she does everything the Dr. says, she can end up being 5 ft. 8 in.  The Dr. added "you could tower over your mom"
We went to the craft store and found a this cute little guy and decided to start us a gnome garden.
We rounded out the week taking in a movie, the BFG.  Sadi's teacher was a huge fan of Roald Dahl and read this book to them and gave them a homework assignment to go see this over the summer.  She had fun telling me DURING the movie all the similarities and differences from the book.
It was a fun week, but I think both her and Chase were happy when the week was over.  Those two love to be together (even if they fight 85% of the time).

1 comment:

marknkim said...

That little gnome garden is so cute! We haven't seen BFG yet {except Bailee} but loved the book so we are looking forward to the movie.