Thursday, February 18, 2016


It felt like I just got off the plane and it was Valentine's day...which it almost was.  Luckily I had planned ahead of time to get the kids Valentine's gifts ready before I left.  Felt a little weird putting these together the beginning of January, but I am so happy we did.  This year's teacher valentines were kept simple:  "Happy Valentine's to a flippin' awesome teacher!"
Sadi picked out these cute Frozen themed valentine's made with otter pops because "Some people are worth melting for". 
Chase's class is ALWAYS saying "awesome sauce", it's kind of their class theme now.   So we made up the perfect valentine for his class:  "Your awesome sauce valentine".  Tied it up with a squeezable applesauce...perfect for 5th graders.
I spent the day in school skipping from class to class...neglected to get one single photo.  I was tired, and mentally trying to get back into things.  This year Valentine's day landed on Sunday and so the kids got some "cereal-ously" love from me....and I got to sleep in.
We just kind of relaxed all day, played outside, and Matt made dinner for just the two of us.  I did remember to get him a little something too.  Saw this cute idea on pintrest and decided to make my own version.  I tied up a little gift for each sense (Taste:nuts, Sight: sunglasses, Smell: Car freshener and cologne, Touch: loofah and shower gel, Sound: Taco Bell gift card).  Pretty sure he loved it.
Must have still been tired because...not one single picture of the kids or us together.  It was a nice day, and great to relax for the weekend before really getting back to the grind.

1 comment:

marknkim said...

Cute Valentine ideas!! I'm impressed that you got them all ready before you left town:)