Monday, May 12, 2014

Feeling Loved

Yesterday was Mother's Day and I was definitely feeling loved.  It started at 5:45 a.m. with Chase trying to wake Dad (who had just gotten home from work a few hours before) to make me breakfast.  Chase really does get excited for ANY holiday.  Matt sternly awoke to loudly explain he was not getting up.  I tossed and turned until right before 7 when I heard the microwave beep..and beep..and beep again.  I thought maybe I had fallen back asleep and Matt had gotten up but he was still beside me.  Then I figured Chase had gone and woken Kelsey up to make breakfast.  I continued to hear beeping and banging of cupboards and I was a bit concerned until the coffee maker started because I knew Chase did not know how to work that.  I still found it odd that it was so quiet (because normally Kelsey would be arguing with Chase).  Then down the hall carrying a tray with breakfast on it was Chase...ALONE.  He announced to Dad proudly "I didn't even need your help Dad".  To which Matt practically sprung out of bed in a panic.  I had coffee (strong) and pancakes (a bit on the cold side) but such a thoughtful breakfast from such a thoughtful boy.  Matt was a bit upset because he had planned to let me sleep in and had been out the night before shopping for breakfast but he quickly got over it when he saw how proud Chase was.  The girls got up a bit later and I was showered with the most precious gifts.
Chase wrote me a stick poem and made me a flower.  Sadi had made a flower pot/card, and I got a new silhouette which I love.  They also gave me some new shower gel and lotions.  I was teasing Kelsey that she didn't make me a card and while we were talking Sadi slipped out and came running back with a card that she "found" that Kelsey had made me and must have forgot.
 Of course it had the exact words written in that Kelsey would say...
 Of course the real gift of Mother's Day is these precious kids that I am so lucky to  call mine!

1 comment:

marknkim said...

How funny.... I'm impressed that he could put together that little breakfast for you (and a bit scared for you and your house;)Hope you had an enjoyable day. Cute picture of your kiddos...BTW!!