Saturday, May 24, 2014

Senior Awards Night

Thursday night was senior awards night for Kelsey.  We knew that they were going to announce her scholarship that she had already received from Ronald McDonald House Charities and she was hoping to win another from a different scholarship that they were announcing that night, but we had no idea what a night it was going to be for her!  It was AMAZING.  Up first was her Ronald McDonald scholarship,
followed by winning the Kiwanis scholarship, Booster scholarship, Central Lyon Youth scholarship, UNR pack pride scholarship, Millennium scholarship, and UNR Grants when totalled up amounted to $13,000!!
I was not prepared for how many times she would take the stage (more than any other Senior student).  At one point I leaned over to her and asked her if her feet were tired.  Once all the scholarship awards were done we thought she was done as well...but it didn't end there.
She was recognized as being a fourth year honor student and qualifying for the top 10 percent of the class and ranked 7 in her class, one of only 8 students to make honor society awards, excellence in art, and earned a fourth year bar for academics.
Done?  Nope.  The teachers in each department vote one girl and one boy for each academic department for student of the year and was awarded a special plaque.  This was probably the most exciting and unexpected moment for Kelsey she won for both Math and Social Studies!!  This meant more to her than any amount of money ever could.
As a parent sitting in the audience my heart was swelling with pride maybe proud is not a big enough word to describe it.  At the end of the ceremony many teachers and parents were joking with her that she should have just taken the stage and sat with teachers since she was up there so often.  I think as much as she is looking forward to being finished with school she is going to miss many of these great teachers:  AP History teacher Mrs. Kruger who gave her a summer reading book written with some of the best advice I have read.
AP English teacher Mr. Roher who told her she was really the front runner for the English award but they felt like since she was receiving so many others that they thought they would award someone else.
Spanish Teacher Mrs. Lazada who really made Espanol fun including pulling off a Spanish flash mob at the last school assembly.
 And finally with principal Mr. Logan who in all her high school years never had to visit his office.
She really cleaned up, and I am so happy that all her hard work has finally been recognized.  I think for her as well this was validation, she was noticed for all her time and effort.
Congratulations to a girl who really earned it.  Graduation here we come!!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Feeling Loved

Yesterday was Mother's Day and I was definitely feeling loved.  It started at 5:45 a.m. with Chase trying to wake Dad (who had just gotten home from work a few hours before) to make me breakfast.  Chase really does get excited for ANY holiday.  Matt sternly awoke to loudly explain he was not getting up.  I tossed and turned until right before 7 when I heard the microwave beep..and beep..and beep again.  I thought maybe I had fallen back asleep and Matt had gotten up but he was still beside me.  Then I figured Chase had gone and woken Kelsey up to make breakfast.  I continued to hear beeping and banging of cupboards and I was a bit concerned until the coffee maker started because I knew Chase did not know how to work that.  I still found it odd that it was so quiet (because normally Kelsey would be arguing with Chase).  Then down the hall carrying a tray with breakfast on it was Chase...ALONE.  He announced to Dad proudly "I didn't even need your help Dad".  To which Matt practically sprung out of bed in a panic.  I had coffee (strong) and pancakes (a bit on the cold side) but such a thoughtful breakfast from such a thoughtful boy.  Matt was a bit upset because he had planned to let me sleep in and had been out the night before shopping for breakfast but he quickly got over it when he saw how proud Chase was.  The girls got up a bit later and I was showered with the most precious gifts.
Chase wrote me a stick poem and made me a flower.  Sadi had made a flower pot/card, and I got a new silhouette which I love.  They also gave me some new shower gel and lotions.  I was teasing Kelsey that she didn't make me a card and while we were talking Sadi slipped out and came running back with a card that she "found" that Kelsey had made me and must have forgot.
 Of course it had the exact words written in that Kelsey would say...
 Of course the real gift of Mother's Day is these precious kids that I am so lucky to  call mine!

Saturday, May 10, 2014


A few weeks ago Kelsey got a letter from the Ronald McDonald house charities informing her her scholarship essay had been selected as a winner.  Last night we attended the banquet award ceremony for her in Reno.  As you can see along with the excitement there was delicious food that Chase and Sadi were not shy about digging into.
The committee said their essays had to be read several times to be selected, and were chosen because of their stories. They also announced at the ceremony that this was a renewable scholarship for the four years she would be attending school if she were to re-apply and keep the required G.P.A.  So happy that this girl is finally seeing some benefits to all her hard work.
It was a really fun night, and exciting to see all of these kids win such an honor.  Kelsey was the only recipient from Dayton High. 
She's getting a little bit closer to her goal everyday!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Teacher's Week

This week has been teacher appreciation week.  In the past this has been a fun week to spoil our teachers.  This year I have had more work than I care to do.  Being on the Boosters (and not having a lot of parent participation) means=butt load of work for the VP (me).  I did get to work early on my kids teachers door signs which we put up on Monday morning.  I chose a design for Chase's teacher that has a duel meaning to me because really...she's one in a melon!
Sadi's teachers door took a bit more time to create.  She has really been an exceptional teacher and a first year too!  We love her. 
Of course we had to get our teacher's a little something else to show them how much we love them..."toe-tally".
Of course the Boosters planned a whole week of breakfast/lunches, and my week is FAR from over.  Happy teacher's week!