Wednesday, January 16, 2013

S.W.A.T.....I think NOT.

Yesterday was a lock down drill at the schools in our area.  My kids did not attend.  Let me explain why...last Thursday Sadi came home and told me we needed to talk about something serious (and believe me she was serious).  She proceeded to tell me about what she had learned that day at school.  She proceeded to tell me about a boy who went and shot his mom and then went to school and shot a whole class of Kindergartners.  The most disturbing part....the teacher told them all of this graphic information to "inform" them.  AWESOME.  We purposely did NOT tell our kids about this horrific event because there was simply no need.  I am all for following rules and running drills but when it comes to this kind of "information" it simply was not necessary.  When our concerns were voiced to the school there really was no assurance that this drill was going to help not scare.  We were told that the S.W.A.T team was in charge and that they wanted to shoot off blanks but they were not allowing it, but really weren't sure how the drill was going to be run.  WHAT?!  Can you really look at these to innocent faces and tell me that they needed to be exposed to that?
Call me an overprotective parent, I am okay with that title.  I'm just not sure why I have to sign a consent form for my kids to watch a PG movie but it is OK to have such graphic details "taught" at school.  I am once again reminded that some of the most educated people can be ridiculously stupid.

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