Friday, November 16, 2012

Twilight forever

Yesterday was the day....the day some of us have been waiting a long time for.  The final Twilight movie.  Kelsey has loved this movie for so long it only seemed appropriate that we keep our tradition of going to the midnight showing...or so she hoped.  What she didn't know was that I had secretly bought tickets to the all day marathon.  That's right a marathon for all 5 movies!!
I wasn't really sure I wanted to sit for that long, but surprisingly the day went really fast.  They had short breaks between each movie, and we got all day discounts at the concession stands which was an added bonus. 
2 large sodas, 1 large popcorn, 2 boxes of candy, 3 hot dogs, and 12 hours later, we said goodbye to Bella, Edward, Jacob, and the rest of the Twilight cast. 
They did a great job of ending the movies throwing in a few twists  I didn't see coming, but we left happy with how it played out.  This has been a tradition I will miss doing with Kelsey, but I hope it's something she will remember forever.  I know I will.

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