Sunday, November 21, 2010

The BIG storm...

Of course the weatherman has been predicting this HUGE storm for days, and we had told the kids it was probably going to snow. They have been waiting and waiting...nothing. Until...this morning they woke to the "big" storm. Check out what we got...As soon as they saw it they wanted to play in it. I was laughing because we got maybe 1.5 inches. I knew I had to get them outside quick before it melted. They wasted no time enjoying the cold. Chase had fun throwing snowballs. And Sadi took her time building her snowman (It's there, you just can't see it, maybe because it ended up being maybe 4 inches high). As expected, by lunchtime it was gone. I love this kind of snow!! Until the next "big" one we will enjoy sipping our hot cocoa!!

1 comment:

Bogenschutz said...

I think you should have brought the kids to some real snow this weekend. The snowman could have been so much bigger.