Sunday, April 18, 2010

Bend it like Beckham...

Or maybe a turtle? Last weekend was Chase's first soccer game, I did not get any pictures because 5 minutes before the game my camera decided to die!! I was so mad!! I was able to get it back this weekend for game 2. Chase's team(the tigers) took on the sharks! Getting ready for game time and getting instructions from the coach:He started out the game being a defender..ended up keeping the other team from scoring a goal, yea! Doesn't he look so little in there? Ready to take on the action, not a great picture but that is his back side...he went on to steal the ball and make his very first goal!!! I'm not sure who was more excited us or him. He was so proud! He is looking forward to next week and "Defending" he says! It was a great game!

1 comment:

The Demille's said...

Oh, he is so cute! I love watching little kids play fun!