Thursday, April 20, 2017

Tooth Fairy Answers

Chase has had a few loose teeth for awhile but wasn't really working on loosening them.  I got concerned when his adult tooth broke through and his baby tooth was still in place.  I told him I was probably going to have to take him to the dentist.  And that is all he needed to hear...a few minutes later the tooth was out.  Matt told him he heard if you lost 2 teeth in one day the tooth fairy paid three times as much.  And just like that a second one was out.  Shockingly the tooth fairy did pay three times as much.  That following morning he pulled yet ANOTHER tooth.  I think he had a hunch and that night left a note for the tooth fairy. 
He asked the tooth fairy for $10.  Of course he gave reasons for him asking to which she actually answered.  His first reason was the money would go toward a video game...tooth fairy told him he should read more books.  Reason two he would really appreciate it...tooth fairy said really?  And the final reason was he heard if you lost 3 teeth in 24 hours you get a total of $15...tooth fairy said the Easter bunny started this rumor.   At the end of the letter she said to "spend your money wisely" and left him $2.  I sure hope that bunny and the fairy can get along after that bad rumor.

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