Monday, March 10, 2014


Friday night we spent the evening in Carson City at the Mr. Carson High pageant cheering on 2 of our kids.  It isn't often that we get to see 2 of our kids perform on stage and never has it been the oldest and the youngest so it was really special.  Sadi attended the Carson High cheer camp a week ago where she was asked to perform at the Mr. Carson High pageant that Kyle was going to be a contestant in.  She was thrilled and ready to rock her high V.
 Her performance came during the first half of the show, and she did a great job.
Kyle was one of 27 contestants in the Mr. Carson High pageant.  If you don't have these where you live, it is an all male pageant that basically makes fun of pageants.  The theme this year was superhero's.  Each contestant chose a superhero to perform as.  Kyle being original was "Mighty Miley".  He had even had the pony tails, it was hilarious!
I was surprised at how much they kept it identical to a real pageant.  There were introductions, and an interview.  The lady dressed as bat woman here conducting the interview portion is the math teacher at Carson High.  I loved that even the teacher got into it and kept it very entertaining.
 During the interview Kyle challenged her to a twerk off, the audience was in hysterics.
 They also had to perform a talent bit.  Kyle did a dance number using some of Miley's moves...including the foam finger (he kept it clean).
Part of the dance included the song wrecking ball where he actually swung out on a wrecking ball.  It was sooo funny.  I'm pretty sure his talent blew every one's out of the water.
 Kyle made it into the finals.  They narrowed it from 27 to the top 10, then top 5, then top 3.....
It came down to the final 2, Kyle and one other contestant.  They kept the audience laughing all the way to the end as they held hands and prayed they won.
 Then the winner was announced....number 16, Kyle Denning!!
 Then the crowning of the new Mr. Carson High 2014. 
 The kids were so excited their big brother won.  Here is our two winners on stage.
So happy for Kyle, he did such a good job and really kept the humor in the show as all the contestants did an amazing job.  Here he is with his cute cheerleader escort and girlfriend Paris who is a pageant winner herself (Miss Teen Nevada). 
He was awarded some nice prizes including an all paid for Prom package, $200, and lots of other freebies.  Hope he uses his reign wisely..ha!

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