Monday, September 30, 2013

Turning 8

On Saturday Chase turned 8!   It's always bitter sweet for me celebrating another birthday.  It's such a fun day but I always feel like time is going by to quickly and I want to slow it down.  The birthday boy was greeted with a doorway surprise,
followed by breakfast in bed.  Somehow these breakfasts in bed always end up being eaten in my bed.  He thought he wanted the same thing the girls had this year for their birthdays.   Chocolate milk, chocolate chip pancakes and bacon.  However he didn't finish any of fact about one bite of each.  He did enjoy opening his cards that had arrived earlier in the week and watching cartoons waiting for someone else to wake up.
He had a really hard time picking anything he wanted this year.  He said he "had pretty much everything he wanted already".  Although so sweet to hear that, it makes it VERY difficult to find something to buy him.  A few days before his birthday he decided he wanted a Lego castle.  His face showed me he was excited when his first peek showed he got just what he wanted.
 He was excited to get building.
 And this is what most of the day looked like...building.  Ever wondered what over 1,000 Lego's looks like covering your floor?  I never have to wonder this again.  Sadi also added to the building (you can see her pink Lego's in the background).
We played a few games I made up which the kids always get excited about.  We played Lego memory using cups to make it appear like a large Lego block.
 We raced to roll an eight in eight minutes to build a Lego tower.
 We played Lego suck using the birthday boy's age.  We each had 8 minutes to move as many Lego's off our plate using only a straw.
 And we played Lego toss.
The idea was to stand eight feet away from the giant Lego's and toss them in to see who could make the most points (although I'm pretty sure my little cheaters inched closer and closer to win).
 Later we went out for dinner.  Chase chose Pizza factory and picked us a super spicy pizza...jalapeno and sausage. was spicy!  Can you tell this boy loved it?
Matt had to work so we did cake a bit earlier.  Chase is pretty simple when it comes to sweets.  To be honest I don't think he likes them very much.  He wanted white cake with white icing.  Simple.
 Making a wish...
 The cake was delicious, and even the birthday boy ate it all.
After cake we settled in and watched the movie Epic.  Another fun birthday, and hopefully a fun year to come being 8!

1 comment:

marknkim said...

What a great party...we had a LEGO party for Karsy's 7th. We hope Chase has a amazing 8th year!!