From the first day of school I prepared myself for this, however I was unprepared for how LAME it would be. I am talking about the first phone call home from the elementary school about Sadi. This is Sadi's first official Discipline notice....
Now mind you this happened a month ago, and I hadn't blogged about it because it was so ridiculous, but since then I have been annoyed again with another LAME phone call. Here is the story...It was late Friday afternoon when the phone call came in from the new Dean of students Mrs. "B". She told me there had been an incident with Sadi on Wed. (two days prior). She told me Sadi and another girl were "whapping" another girl with a jump rope. I repeated back to her what she was telling me (emphasizing that this happened 2 days ago?). She told me Sadi had been talked to and was to write an apology letter/picture and bring it in the following week (this was a 3 day weekend). I told her I would talk to her when she got home. When Sadi got off the bus she was happy as could be...puzzled me. I asked her if she got in trouble. She said no. I then asked her if something happened with a jump rope on Wed. and she told me a whole different story. She told me "M" asked her and her friend "J" if she could play jump rope with them and they let her. Long story short it sounded completely innocent and not at all like I had planned to hear. Go ahead and ask a 5 year old to play jump rope with you....if you don't jump do you get "whapped"?...if you are too close together or too far apart do you get "whapped"? I'm guessing you will. She was honest that yes the girl did get hit, but it was an accident and they had apologized. Although annoyed(with the Dean), I decided to let it go and helped her write her apology letter and put it in her backpack for the following week. Each day I checked her backpack and the Dean had not picked up the picture all week. Then we get a discipline letter in the mail for....
"WHAPPING" Really? Now I was beyond annoyed. I had Matt call and talk to the Dean and address some issues: Why was this not addressed until 2 days after the incident? Did you even ask if it was an accident? Why have you not picked up the apology letter? What are you trying to teach? For all of these questions she had all lame answers. She was too busy to address it until 2 days later. No, she didn't ask them if it was an accident..she asked if it happened and they said yes. She forgot about the apology letter. They're trying to prevent bullying. WOW, I WAS LIT UP!! If we are going to label Sadi a trouble maker let's make it legit..I know she is capable. Again I let it go.
Fast forward to yesterday's phone call:
Mrs. "B" (Dean of students) calls to tell me that Sadi is in her office and she isn't feeling well. She says she took her temp. and it was 98.8. I repeat this to her to make sure she said that..98.8? She says yes, but she "feels warm". OK, what is she complaining of I ask. She had to put me on hold to ask Sadi. Really? You didn't even ask what was wrong before you call me to tell me she had a perfectly normal temperature? Her nose she replies. I give up. I go pick her up...mind you there is only 20 minutes left of school! Yup sure enough she had a runny nose. Simple remedy I gave her a tissue. She was fine all night long. Am I loosing my mind or does this lady need a label of her own?
I'm sorry but I am laughing out loud at this! Reminds me of Zac all over again! Nip it in the bud now...Sounds like this lady is in a bit over her head! WHAP!
Hope you are all well! See you in about a month! Can you believe it's that time again? UGH!
Oh man...that's too bad!! What a great way to start off your experience in school. Hopefully things get better. Sounds like you have a real peach running the show there....good luck:}
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