Thursday, December 17, 2009

It takes a village..

Once you have more than a couple kids, you can't just get away with one gingerbread house, you end up with a village! Last night we all got to decorate our own gingerbread house, the kids had a blast. Sadi was in full concentration... The finished product was very..hmm top heavy?
I also had gingerbread men so they could eat some of what they made (because really those houses inedible).
Chase loved decorating his house, he definitely has his own sense of style. Who else is dying to have a square house?
Kelsey's took the longest, checking out every detail, and of course adding a little "Twilight" theme to hers with the gingerbread "vampire".
Here is our complete village...


Laura D said...

hey- i have those same houses still in the box! waiting for the kids to be out of school and driving me nuts before i let them do it. looks like fun!

Bogenschutz said...

Love the village. Looks like you had enough houses for them all including the biggest kid of all Matt. ha ha

Anonymous said...

So cute! You are such a fun Mom!