Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A Spiderific Birthday!!

The day finally arrived, Chase's 4th Birthday!! He has been talking about his birthday FOREVER!! He could not wait to be 4 (you know when you turn 4 your a big boy he would tell me). We woke to find that we had been webbed!! There were spiders and webs everywhere! The doorway to his room had him webbed in! It was a little funny when he woke and said "What is this?, when I told him it was spider webs he was so scared he started crying until I told him they weren't real.
He also found a surprise waiting for him in the living room (like my wrapping?). I was not about to try to really wrap this thing, but lucky for me when your 4 you can't detect what is under the leftover decorations. Ha ha!A new bike!!! He could not wait to get outside and start riding. He still needs alot of practice, but I found he does best when you stand in front of him and say "Hey don't run me over!"
Later that night it was time to party!! Spider man was the theme this year.
For my kids it seems to be all about the games, so I planned alot! First up, some of Spidey's arch nemesis had arrived at the party and so we had to scare them off with our webs (silly string in a can). This was really fun!
Then we played throw spidey in his web. The idea was to get your spider closest to the middle of the web. Here is Sadi trying to make hers go really high.
Next it was time to help set your spidey free (donuts on strings).
We also played spidey toss. I tried to make a skee ball type scoring rings, and found some spider man discs to toss in them.
We also had to practice our skills at "crime wrap". A good guy has to be able to apprehend a bad guy quickly. I'm glad Daddy was a good sport being our criminal.
Peter Parker had let us know that some Radio active spiders had been let loose in the house, and we needed to capture all of them before someone got bit! Sadi collected all of hers on one finger.
We also tested our spidey senses to see if we could feel the matches to this spider man memory game I had made.
All those games worked up quite the appetite and so it was time for dinner. What was on the menu? Green Goblin soda
and spider bread with webs! It was yummy!
Of course no party is complete without party bags right? But what's the fun in just handing them out, they had to follow there web threads all over the house to find them.
Chase got to open a few more presents when we were done running all over the house. A new puzzle (he is really into puzzles right now).
New PJ's! I had to take this picture because it was so funny it was only the second gift he opened and he stopped everything stood up took his clothes off so he could put them on right then.
A new game from Grandma and Grandpa.
It was finally time for cake and ice cream! My attempt at making a spider man cake.
Wishing big! Can you believe he is already talking about his next birthday?

Friday, September 18, 2009

Have you been bitten?

For all of you who haven't been bitten by the Twilight craze you will not be excited for this, but for those of you who have it's time to buy your tickets!! That's right yesterday (at least for this area) tickets for New Moon went on sale. I was able to get tickets for the 11:59 showing on Nov. 19th for Kelsey and I. I was going to wait and surprise her but I had to tell her. She is soooo excited! So if you haven't gotten tickets and want to be one of the first to see it better do it soon, I hear they are going fast!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A Moooo-velous day!

Today is the day that Chase has been anxiously awaiting for a very long time. He started preschool today!! They do things a little (okay alot) differently here in Nevada as there is really no preschools available. I will admit when I heard about this I thought it was a joke but turns out Nevada is just plain different in so many ways, some I may never get used to. Chase goes to preschool on a bus, a COW bus no less. Let me explain, they have converted a school bus into a Classroom On Wheels (get the name now?). They have gutted this bus and put in tables and chairs and all kinds of fun things for the kids. And of course they painted it like, yup you guessed it a COW. Chase could not wait to get on this bus and explore. Here he is armed with his new folder and water bottle and he was ready! Now you may be asking yourself was I one of those mothers in the parking lot crying that my baby boy was now going to school? No I can say proudly I wasn't, but guess who was?.....
Poor Sadi was so upset, although I'm still not sure if she was sad that brother was gone or that I wasn't leaving her there as well. Who knew she would be the one to have separation anxiety. We girls did have fun though painting our toes and fingers and it wasn't long before it was time for Brother to come back home. He could not wait to get home and do his homework.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Back to School

It has been awhile since I have been on here blogging, it seems we haven't done anything exciting to blog about. The biggest thing we have been doing is homework (okay not really me but it seems everyone else has alot). Matt decided to go back to school! He registered the weekend before the community college started up...nothing like that last minute decision. He is taking three online courses this semester, and is planning to get his bachelors in a few years. I forgot how expensive school is, well not just school necessarily but the books. These three books have a pretty price tag of $434.00!! Apparently there is a price for knowledge and it is expensive! I will no longer complain about all the school fees for our other kids as now I know what is to come...I cannot imagine how much college will be for them!